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How the Etching is Done!

Often, when someone looks at my sterling silver jewelry, they ask is "How do you get the pattern onto the silver?" Honestly, it has been a bit of trial and error, but I have landed on a method, I believe, brings you the best results. It allows for fine lines, lovely mandala patterns, and a bit of delight!

Once I have completed a mandala drawing, I will scan it into the computer so that it can be reduced in size to fit the jewelry style I am working on for a particular jewelry collection.

The mandala design patterns are then printed onto a transfer paper, which I use to transfer the pattern to brass to create a plate.

Here is where the real science comes in!!  The brass is then dipped into a chemical to create an etching on the brass.

After it is cleaned up, I can then run the brass plate, along with the sterling silver sheet, through my rolling mill to create beautiful jewelry for you!

The brass plates last for about 3 runs through the rolling mill before it starts to misshape. Each piece of sterling silver jewelry is then given special embellishment's and original lampwork glass beads and cabochons, giving you uniquely handcrafted Cindy Gentry Designs!

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